This came about after we upgraded to Screenshots -Alan Share this: You will need to connect using the connection through the original VMware PowerPack, this is a conscious decision as the intent is not to replicate the great work done as part of that PowerPack but purely to add functionality for every day VMware Information needed by consultants and VMware Admins. Many areas covered in the PowerGUI library. Create a free website or blog at WordPress. Office Office Exchange Server. Virtual infrastructure monitoring software review. powergui powerpack

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PowerGUI goes v. 3.0

Included VMware vSphere 6. Subscribe in a reader Subscribe by email. Looking forward to the book.

Office Office Exchange Server. I am unable to do a step through in the editor to test my scripts because PowerGUI reports the commands as unknown. You are commenting using your Twitter account.

After each dot, the next list of possible namespace items appeared in a drop down. Is there a way of pulling the performance data with the powerpack. The community itself also got moved from http: The PowerPack contains a variety of scripts from Virtu-al. I strongly recommend you give them a look, because there is a ton of useful PowerShell functionality in those PowerPacks.

It looks like a bug of the autocomplete. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. You are commenting using your WordPress.

powergui powerpack

Home Lab Reviews — Virtualization Software and reviews, Disaster and backup recovery software reviews. You are commenting using your Google account.

Community PowerPack -

This one is a little more tricky to find: I can find it nowhere. Looks like this got hidden even further. However, we can connect to Exchange server using remote shell.

powergui powerpack

PowerGUI is not a Microsoft product. When I click a node it says I am unconnected even though I made a connection? Powerpaack Dell helps make that happen soon.

powergui powerpack

This powerpack has been blinked out of existence. Thanks Kirk for the update. I sent a question to Quest. PowerGUI provides easy to use graphical user interface for powerrpack and managing scripts. Notify me of new posts via email. Hi Alan, Can I get a copy of these great scripts sent my email.

Community PowerPack

Are these the ones you were looking for: But man, an update would be nice! Guys, You are amazing. Friday, February 6, 7: Many areas covered in the PowerGUI library.

Looks like the previous link to QAD cmdlets stopped working so I am not sure if there is such a page anymore. You are commenting using powfrgui Facebook account.


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