Corrects error message that occured when trying to read the checksum from a read-out protected device. Many improvements and fixes. STM32 library version 3. Adds information in error message about where to find the ST-Link updater. Adds programming number limitation management. Adds product number management. rkit-arm for ride 7

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Add informations about target selected when errors comes from target power failure. Add Cancel button for Erase and Program operations.

CC Attribution-Share Alike 3. STM32L peripheral registers views corrected and improved.

Raisonance's RIDE IDE(STMicro, ARM)

JTAG works rkitarm other devices. Allow overriding of default minimum stack size when using default linker script. Adds choice of reset target or not before exiting prog mode.

rkit-arm for ride 7

Corrected some STM32L4 peripherals debug views. Unlimited Debugging, compiling, programming. For more information see the Open4-LAB documentation included in this release. Static attributes cannot be displayed in watch windows. Even after the expiration date, you can still use your license to activate distributions of the software that were released before the end of your Support Contract.

When creating a new project selecting a primer as target the file application. Improved formatting for variables displayed in the watch window. Correctly display remaining days of temporary licenses.

RKit ARM Lite Software License

Corrects ELF loader support of typedef to void! These contain an RLink. Yet Flash programming size is unlimited.

rkit-arm for ride 7

Correct behavior of option O with no argument. ARM specific options like interwork or thumb have been changed from project option to assembler, compiler and linker options. Correct management of STM32 option bytes erasing. Upon installation of these tools, Ride7 IDE should always be installed first, followed by the toolchain. Corrections in USB rrkit-arm management.

A test before running any gcc arm tool has been added. Old projects should be ported to the ST Firmware Library 3. Multiple inheritance support corrected in watches. Added option in 'Debug environment' to load or not macro information. Old projects that use precompiled library v2.

AFIO specific bits, which ar undefined value after gkit-arm reading, have been removed from peripheral view. With this version 1. Alternative toolchains supported by STM32L1xx peripheral library: It create link script files in the project directory.

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For more information, see the GCC release notes: Integrate new version of GCC: Pass compiler and assembler command-line arguments through file to allow longer command lines. Activating on first execution after reinstallation will activate the old removed version of the tool.

rkit-arm for ride 7

Adds programming number limitation management.


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